About Calypso

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Hello, my name is Calypso Sparrowtree and I first joined Second Life in March 2009. I am a pose designer, machinima artist, photographer and live music lover. I believe that Second Life presents amazing opportunities for creative expression and is the ultimate canvas used to share one's gifts.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Are you ready for some Culture Shock?

Culture Shock 2012 begins on May 4th, 2012 at the Chic Management sim.
The chosen charity for this event is Medecins San Frontieres.
184 stores will be showcasing their products, including a mandatory minimum of 1 new and exclusive item, 
contributing 50-100% of their profits to charity.
Sparrowtree Studios Poses has created 3 new exclusive items for this event and 100% of the sales from each item will benefit the cause.

Make sure you get on over to Culture Shock and pick up these pose sets before the event is over!

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